Tuesday 22 January 2019

The Little Old Lady Who Struck Lucky Again! (League of Pensioners #2) by Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg

The Little Old Lady Who Struck Lucky Again!
League of Pensioners #2
Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg

Front cover

Date read: 28 November - 7 December 2018
Length: 408 pages

Martha and her friends are at it again. They've bought a big house. Right next to a biker gang! After a stint in Las Vegas the group head back to Sweden to put more plans into action. They steal diamonds and gold, and even sell off some pretty fancy vehicles! But can they pull it off and not end up in prison this time?

You're never
too old to
have some fun...

I just love this gang! I think they're getting quirkier with each book and each character is really shining out. Each one is good at something which helps their projects in different ways and it all comes together very well. They are very believable and well constructed, all round.

I think the pensioners and the biker gang could have made unlikely, but very good friends. There's just something about the two working separately, and the few encounters that they did have, that make me think this. I wonder what would have happened had they became friends and worked together with their plans and such...

I kind of feel sorry for Emma and Anders. I get the feeling they don't realise 100% what their mum and her friends are really getting up to! And I think they're not getting paid as well as they should be, considering all the help they're giving and the things the gang are stealing!

This is a very good read and easy to get into. I can't wait to see what they get up to next!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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