Tuesday 15 January 2019

Life, the Universe and Everything (Hitchhikers's Guide to the Galaxy #3) by Douglas Adams

Life, the Universe and Everything
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy #3
Douglas Adams

Front cover

Date read: 23 - 27 November 2018
Length: 199 pages

Arthur finds himself stranded on a prehistoric Earth for an unbearably long time. After making a bag out of rabbit skin to keep his favourite stones in, all of a sudden his friend Ford appears. Now they're back on Earth 2 days prior to its destruction, in the middle of Lords cricket ground on a flying sofa...

It's just not cricket...

Life, the Universe and Everything is a great next instalment in the Hitchhiker's series. It feels like Adams is comfortable here, and it shows by the fact there seems to be more of a plot. In general the novel had more of a structure, although still keeping in with the original wackiness we came to know and love!

One of the things I like about these books is the randomness, and something I like here is the insulting alien that pops up, purely just to say something nasty. They're not particularly great insults, let's be honest, but it is amusing.

I'm glad they managed to escape from the party - it was lasting forever! It's not something that sounds life fun, especially for the host!

Very much looking forward to reading the rest of the series!

Douglas Adams

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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