Sunday 5 March 2017

Death of a Ladies' Man by Alan Bissett

Death of a Ladies' Man
Alan Bissett

Front cover

Date read: 9 - 19 January 2017
Length: 423 pages

Charlie Bain is an English teacher at a high school in Glasgow. 30 year old divorcee, lives with his mum, likes taking drugs. Not much is going right for Mr Bain. He's losing control of his life; he is not doing well in his career, the women are seeing him for what he really is, and not even his mother wants him in the house. What happened to the Ladies' Man?

Charlie is a thoroughly despicable character, but unfortunately very believable. He is not someone I would get on with in real life. To put it simply; he is a dick. 

I feel sorry for all the women in this novel, specifically Julie. He is a pig and just uses everyone. He is selfish and has no regard for anyone's feelings apart from his own. 

I thought the story of Death of a Ladies' Man was better than Boyracers, although I still find the writing style a bit odd with the words sort of floating on the page. 

Not sure I would recommend or read again. 

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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