Saturday 18 July 2015

The Sword of the Spirits (The Sword of the Spirits #3) by John Christopher

The Sword of the Spirits
The Sword of the Spirits #3
John Christopher

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Front cover

After escaping execution, Luke becomes the new Prince of Winchester. He gains another city and is known as the Price of Three Cities. He learns of Blodwen and Edmund's love for one another. Betrayed, he sets off to Wilsh to demand an army to get revenge.

Just as you feel you're starting to like Luke, he turns into a pompous ass. I feel I like him less and less. He's too busy seeking revenge on personal matters, and neglecting his responsibilities as prince. It's a shame when a main character becomes someone you don't like, as often it can run the book or series.

Although Luke became someone I didn't like, I don't think it ruined the series. You're basically with Luke as he's growing up, so you get an insight into why he's making these decisions. I quite enjoyed this series, although perhaps more could have been done with the subject matter, especially the forbidden technologies, and especially considering it was a trilogy.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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