Sunday 12 July 2015

Thanks For The Memories by Cecelia Ahern

Thanks For The Memories
Cecelia Ahern

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Front cover

Justin is convinced into giving blood in order to get a date with the nurse. Joyce is recovering from an accident in which she lost her baby. She's getting divorced and moving back in with her father. But she has all these weird memories, and she knows things she shouldn't. Will she ever figure out why?

It took me a while to get into this story; probably more than half way. It felt as though I was being given all this information about the characters, but it wasn't really going anywhere. Once I was in, however, I was hooked! There's a bit at the end which made my stomach flip, and the last chapter saved the book from being thrown across the room!

Very light reading, and can take a while to get into, but I would still recommend it, because once you get into it it's very hard to put down!

Cecelia Ahern

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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