Sunday 5 July 2015

The Last Continent (Discworld #22) by Terry Pratchett

The Last Continent
Discworld #22
Terry Pratchett

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Front cover

Rincewind seems to be lost on a desert. It's very dry and they've never even heard of rain! The librarian keeps sneezing and turning himself into different things. The wizards at Unseen University travel to the desert but find themselves in the past. *gasp* time travel!

I'm not going to lie, I wasn't that keen on this Discworld installment. The story just didn't captivate me like it normally does. I did like the librarian changing shape though, that was amusing.

I do like Rincewind, but sometimes I find his storylines a bit more dull in comparison to the others. Boo.

Terry Pratchett

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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