Saturday 5 July 2014

Discworld 10: Moving Pictures by Terry Pratchett

Discworld 10: Moving Pictures
Terry Pratchett

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Cover Image
Moving Pictures is the tenth in the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. This time we are joined by Victor, and follow his adventures in the mysterious Holy Wood. Along the way we meet Ginger, a somewhat attractive female; Gaspode, a talking dog; and Rock, a troll. For some reason they have all been drawn to Holy Wood, and want to figure out why!

"It wasn't enough to be what you were, you had to be working to be something else."

I found Moving Pictures very amusing. Pratchett has such a unique way of describing things. He doesn't call them the right things, but you still know exactly what he means. Examples in Moving Pictures include; moving pictures, banged grains and Holy Wood.

"In Ankh-Morpork, sensible men built their houses plain, so as not to attract attention, and kept the decoration for inside. But Holy Wood wore its houses inside out."

While Pratchetts novels tend to be light and humorous, there are often undertones of a more serious nature. Other people may find different meanings from his novels, but I felt this one was expressing a disdain towards Hollywood and the sometimes empty and shallow people and lives. These characters are drawn to Holy Wood, without any idea why. It's only when they leave Holy Wood they begin to think clearly again.

Fantastic novel, would definitely recommend.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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