Friday 26 February 2021

The Dark Side of the Sun by Terry Pratchett

The Dark Side of the Sun
Terry Pratchett

Front cover

Date read: 28 - 31 December 2020
Length: 159 pages
Published: 1976

Dom sets out to find Jokers World, believed to be on the the Dark Side of the Sun. No one knows the exact location, only that because of probability mathematics, Dom will find it. Is the 'mathematics' correct?

This is very early Pratchett. There's lots of ideas floating around, but I feel the book isn't long enough to fully explore them all. I think the plot could have flowed better and that some things should have had more details. His writing certainly did get much better!

It was interesting to see the ideas that would later form some parts of the Discworld series, such as Hogswatch and Small Gods etc. There are a few and it made me smile reading them.

I liked the Bank as the Godfather. Pratchett does have interesting ways of making things come to life that you would't have thought of! 

Dom's grandmother seems a bit controlling! She almost follows him about and pushes him in certain directions to try to make him do things. Dom seems to brush her off for the most part.

I quite enjoyed The Dark Side of the Sun but I didn't find myself getting as engrossed as I would of liked. Still, it was nice to read something from the early days of Pratchett!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Tuesday 16 February 2021

The Horse with My Name (Dan Starkey #5) by Colin Bateman

The Horse with My Name
Dan Starkey #5
Colin Bateman

Front cover

Date read: 20 - 27 December 2020
Length: 333 pages
Published: 2002

Dan's life is going nowhere. He's given up work, and all he does is drink. Things between him and Patricia have fallen apart after the loss of Stevie. Then Dan is approached by ex-journalist Mark Corkery, AKA The Horse Whisperer, to investigate Geordie McClean. What could go wrong?

Dan Starkey - international man of inaction -
rides again. How far can he fall this time?

Dan always seems to meet strong willed females, and usually ends up sleeping with them! It's no different here, surprise surprise. And no less that Geordie McClean's daughter Mandy. Tsk tsk, naughty Dan.

I feel a little bit sorry for Dan because he didn't have all the facts. There were things he should have been told before he went to investigate, but he ended up having to figure things out for himself. Things might have been easier and he might have actually done the job more quickly if people were just honest with him from the start.

It wouldn't be a Dan Starkey novel without at least one death! Hilda, McClean's ex-wife and Mandy's mother, is the unfortunate victim this time.

I don't know anything about horse racing but I still enjoyed the story. It's the people that make a story, and that's certainly the case here. Not my favourite Starkey novel, but still a good addition.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Thursday 11 February 2021

Awaken (Abandon #3) by Meg Cabot

Abandon #3
Meg Cabot

Front cover

Date read: 11 - 19 December 2020
Length: 343 pages 
Published: 2013

Just when Pierce thought the Underworld was safe, it gets over-run with the souls of the dead, and John is presumed dead. Can Pierce muster up the courage and strength to save not only her beloved, but the Underworld too?


It seems Pierce has really matured in this series finale. She takes the time to think about what she needs to do, but also the consequences of what she's doing. Before she would have just rushed in with an idea, and not considered the consequences. She thinks about what is best for everyone, and it's a level of maturity that I think suits her well.

I wish we knew why the diamond turns purple around Kayla. It's not properly explained and I guess it's up to us to make our own conclusions!

Glad Pierce made amends with her parents. It must be hard for them to know that they might not get to see their only child very often. It must he heartbreaking for them, but they're taking it very well, once they understand the full situation.

It was kind of an abrupt ending and I feel there could have been more. Maybe there will be a fourth book one day, or maybe not. 

Overall I really enjoyed the series. I think I would have enjoyed it more if I had read it when I was a teenager, but even so it was still good.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Thursday 4 February 2021

Perfect Match by Jodi Picoult

Perfect Match
Jodi Picoult

Front cover

Date read: 2 - 10 December 2020
Length: 353 pages (368 with readers guide)
Published: 2002

Nina frost works as a prosecutor, specifically on child molestation cases, putting the abusers behind bars. But when her five year old son Nathaniel is sexually assaulted, she takes justice into her own hands. How will the Frost family cope?

What does it mean to be a good mother?
How far would you go in the name of love - and justice?

I didn't actually particularly like Nina. I found myself being annoyed by both her thoughts and actions most of the time! As much as she does do everything she can to protect her son, she gets a bit obsessive over a single idea at the time, without properly thinking things through.

Caleb, Nathaniel's father, is an odd character too. At times he seems unconcerned about everything and ready to just leave it all behind. I guess sometimes it seems as though he doesn't care.

Patrick, Nina's long time friend, is a bit pathetic. He's totally hung up on Nina, and acts like a love sick puppy dog. I think he makes a good decision at the end to move on with his life without her.

I was surprised by the twist near the beginning! I did not expect it at all and it changed how the whole book panned out. I was also surprised by the ending. I really thought it would go the other way! It worked out well for the family but Nina did a very bad thing, and it kinda feels like she didn't have to deal with the consequences of her actions.

Jodi Picoult

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist