Sunday 27 December 2020

A Long Way Down by Nick Hornby

A Long Way Down
Nick Hornby

Front cover

Date read: 18 - 24 October 2020
Length: 257 pages
Published: 2005

Martin, JJ, Jess, and Maureen all find each other on top of a tower block - Topper's House, a well known suicide spot in London. They each have their own reasons for being there, but the same end goal in mind. Together they form a pact and talk each other down. Can this unlikely group of friends keep each other alive?

'Can I explain why I wanted to jump off the top of a tower block?'

I didn't particularly like any character specifically, but JJ would be the best. He seemed the most down to earth and I probably would have got on with him more than any of the others.

Jess is annoying and and a bit of a brat. She does what she wants without thinking about the consequences for other people, or even herself. She does try to do nice things at the end though, which redeems her a little.

Martin is a scoundrel and makes bad decisions. He's a minor celebrity so those things tend to get blown up by the media, and something bad he did caused his life to fall apart.

Maureen is stuck with a life she didn't want. She has a severely disabled son and lives a very monotonous life. She's bored and lonely.

But together they actually make a pretty good team, helping each other though their difficulties.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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