Sunday 22 November 2020

Divorcing Jack (Dan Starkey #1) by Colin Bateman

Divorcing Jack
Dan Starkey #1
Colin Bateman

Front cover

Date read: 13 - 19 September 2020
Length: 282 pages
Published: 1995

Dan Starkey is a journalist in Belfast. He meets Margaret and things get out of hand. Then suddenly, Margaret is murdered and his wife, Patricia, is kidnapped. Next, he becomes a target. Can he keep out of trouble to save his wife, and his marriage?

So I've actually read a few books from this series, but not in order and not all of them. So I'm going back to the beginning and reading them all in order. I had read this one before, and it's still as good as I remember it!

I liked Margaret, but what Dan did was wrong. He should not have had an affair with her, but things happen and he admitted it got out of control. 

Dan doesn't take any stick. He was a sharp mind, but doesn't always know when to use it and when to stay silent. It gets him into trouble a lot, but that's part of the charm of his character.

I hope he can patch things up with his wife, Patricia. He seems to really love her. He made a silly mistake and hopefully she can forgive him.

I'm looking forward to reading more. I think Dan's journalism could take him anywhere!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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