Sunday 30 August 2020

Your Heart Belongs to Me by Dean Koontz

Your Heart Belongs to Me
Dean Koontz

Front cover

Date read: 5 - 14 July 2020
Length: 406 pages
Published: 2008

Ryan Perry is a fit and healthy 34 year old. He owns a very successful internet company and has a wonderful partner, Samantha. But he learns he is going to need a heart transplant. 16 months later he receives a terrifying threat, being promised a nightmare death. Can he solve the mystery of his enemy and save his life?

I felt like there was a lot of background information before the story kicked in, and yet there's a huge chunk in the middle missing from the story!

I feel sorry for what happened between him and Sam. I'm not sure exactly what happened, only what is alluded to, because it seems to have happened in the chunk of story that is missing. I would have preferred to have all the continuous information rather than the waffle at the start, or even both!

I liked Ryan going into detective mode and seeing what he'll find out. It's like we're there with him, figuring out all this stuff together.

This isn't Koontz's best, but it was an okay read.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Taran Wanderer (The Chronicles of Prydain #4) by Lloyd Alexander

 Taran Wanderer
The Chronicles of Prydain #4
Lloyd Alexander

Front cover

Date read: 30 June - 4 July 2020
Length: 187 pages
Published: 1967 (1979 in GB)

Taran leaves Caer Dallben searching for answers about himself; where he came from, who his parents are, and what that might mean to him. With his trusty companions Gurgi and Fflewddur Fflam, they set off to find the mirror of Llunet. What will he discover about himself?

After a little dip in the middle of the series, I enjoyed this one a bit more than the last. I felt like you really got to know Taran more, as you join him on his quest to find himself.

One thing that wasn't so good is that there was no Eilonwy! It's not the same without her telling him when he's being an idiot.

Craddoc was nice but dishonest. What he did was very strange and a shame for Taran. I'm glad he learned the real truth and could move on from there.

I liked all the people in the free commots. Taran learned a great many skills from weaving to pottery, and made some good friends as well. It seemed like a nice community.

It's a shame Taran didn't get the answers he was looking for, but I think he did find himself on the journey nonetheless.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Tuesday 4 August 2020

Silken Bonds (The Waverley Women #2) by M. C. Beaton

Silken Bonds
The Waverley Women #2
M. C. Beaton

Front cover

Date read: 25 - 29 June 2020
Length: 202 pages
Published: 1989

Frederica is fed up of her restricted life in the Waverley house on Hanover Square. When Lord Harry Danger enters their lives and saves them from thieves, her mind wanders to what could be. Will Frederica get her happily ever after like Fanny did?

Modern notions are all well and good - but
where does one find a man to share them?

A good second volume although I felt there was some repetition, like the men the girls are interested in trying to find out more about them by going to the orphanage and Harry being another Lord.

There is something about the girls past though. The fact that the orphanage wont share any information and went to the effort to inform Mrs Waverley that they had been trying to find out things.

And there's definitely something going on with Mrs Waverley and the Prince Regent. The way the avoid each other - I just want to know more!

First indication of a time - it's set in the early 19th century.

I was very surprised that Mrs Waverley married Colonel Bridie! After all she's brought the girls up to believe about being independent and having a good education for themselves, and that they don't need men in their lives. A bit hypocrital really.

I really hope we get answers in the last one!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist