Tuesday 14 July 2020

The First Rebellion (The Waverley Women #1) by M. C. Beaton

The First Rebellion
The Waverley Women #1
M. C. Beaton

Date read: 14 - 19 June 2020
Length: 217 pages
Published: 1989

Fanny, Frederica and Felicity have been adopted by Mrs Waverley, a bluestocking woman and advocate of women's rights. But the girls are growing up, and don't all believe men to be the beasts they were brought up to think. When the Earl of Tredair enters their lives, poor Fanny has a lot of thoughts and feelings to consider.

His kiss has left her flushed and disconcerted -
perhaps men are best avoided after all!

This is a nice easy read. Perfect summer romance novel!

I want to know more about Mrs Waverley. She's very secretive about her past and I'm hoping we will learn more about her in the following two novels.

I think there is more to the girls' lineage that we will find out later. They know what orphanage they came from, and it was slightly different in that someone must have paid for them to go there. When Fanny tries to find out more she gets nowhere!

I'm glad there was a happy ending for Fanny. She got what she wanted in the end, even if she had to do it in a strange way.

Looking forward to the next one!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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