Wednesday 20 November 2019

Cause Celeb by Helen Fielding

Cause Celeb
Helen Fielding

Front cover

Date read: 1 - 9 October 2019
Length: 342 pages
Published: 1994

Rosie Richardson is fed up with her life in London. She has an unhealthy relationship with a TV presenter, and so she sacks it all and spends 4 years running a refugee camp in Africa. But the camp is running out of food, the locusts are swarming and a very big influx of refugees is expected to hit the camp. In a desperate bid to help, Rosie returns to London to enlist the help of her celebrity friends. Will it be too late?

Helen Fielding is more known for her Bridget Jones books, but Cause Celeb is her first novel. It is easy to read, interesting and sometimes funny. It is a serious subject without being too serious.

I'm not really much for following celebrity culture, and even in the book I prefer the personalities of the people in Africa. They're more real, caring and genuine people.

Oliver, Rosie's TV presenter boyfriend in London, is a twat, put simply. He's controlling, nasty, and has no regard for Rosie's feelings. Everything is what he wants and when he wants it. I'm glad that at the end of the book, Rosie is able to stand up to him. Going to Africa was probably the best thing she had done for herself and she gained so much from it.

I feel like this would make a good holiday read.

Helen Fielding

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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