Tuesday 27 November 2018

The Scandalous Lady Wright (Bad Husbands #1) by M. C. Beaton

The Scandalous Lady Wright
Bad Husbands #1
M. C. Beaton

Front cover

Date read: 26 - 30 October 2018
Length: 202 pages

Lady Wright has been accused of murdering her husband Sir Benjamin Wright. But Emma is innocent, and luckily the Comte Saint-Juste is her to provide evidence of that fact. Along the way they discover many secrets and unknown enemies.

Public faces and private vices...

The Scandalous Lady Wright is very easy to read, and had I time time I'm sure I could have finished it in less than a day. It's a good novel for just chilling out.

The characters were okay, although I did quite like the Comte. But for the period I would say they are believable however, it makes you realise how far things have come for women. They pretty much can't do anything without a mans permission.

This is a trilogy so I will be reading the rest in the series. I fear for the women!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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