Sunday 24 September 2017

Enduring Love by Ian McEwan

Enduring Love
Ian McEwan

Front cover

Date read: 7 - 12 September 2017
Length: 245 pages

Joe and his wife Clarissa happen upon a hot air balloon in distress. Along with a few others, they try to help the situation. That is when Joe meets Jed; a man he will never forget. How can one event change his life so much?

I quite liked the story, but I couldn't bond to Joe. Although I was reading I felt like I didn't really mind what happened to him all that much, but obviously I didn't want anything drastic. I'm glad it didn't end in tragedy.

What a strange man Jed is. For a while I thought maybe it was all in Joe's head, and maybe he wasn't even real. I'm sure that's probably what we're meant to be thinking.

The information at the end about de Clérambault's syndrome makes me think it's based on a true story. I haven't don't any research into it, but it certainly seems that way!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Sunday 17 September 2017

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander (J. K. Rowling)

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Newt Scamander (J. K. Rowling)

Front cover

Date read: 4 - 6 September 2017
Length: 123 pages

Here we have Newt Scamander's book detailing what we need to know about all manner of Fantastic Beasts. This is an essential core text at Hogwarts, and every young witch and wizard must have a copy upon entering first year. We learn each Beasts M.O.M (Ministry of Magic) Classification, where they originate, what they look like, and some characteristics. This copy belonged to the one and only Harry Potter, so we also have some nice comments from himself, Ron, and Hermione.

This is a good companion to the Harry Potter series. Not a clue what Luna Lovegood is talking about? A quick glance in here might help.

I liked the comments made by Harry, Ron,  and Hermione. Although I wish there were more! It was good to think of them as just run-of-the-mill kids, and not the heroes they are.

The companion is quite short, if only it was longer! I'm definitely looking forward to reading the next two! (And them some.)

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Tuesday 12 September 2017

The Blade Itself (The First Law #1) by Joe Abercrombie

The Blade Itself
The First Law #1
Joe Abercrombie

Front cover

Date read: 22 August - 3 September 2017
Length: 515 pages

Logen Ninefingers is a barbarian believed to be dead. Jezal has 'blood' and dreams of winning the fencing contest and serving his country. Inquisitor Glokta hates everyone, including himself. He is a power-hungry cripple who tortures people for information. But they are at war, and something big is coming.

I liked the set up here and the writing style. I like reading from more than one characters perspective. The characters seem interesting and varied, and I like most of them. My favourite is probably Ardee though. She's a badass!

One downside is that I kind of feel like I don't really know the characters very well yet. This is a trilogy so I'm hoping that will change soon!

The Shanka. I'm not really sure what they are yet, but I'm looking forward to finding out more!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist