Saturday 3 June 2017

The Ivy Chronicles by Karen Quinn

The Ivy Chronicles
Karen Quinn

Front cover

Date read: 5 - 15 May 2017
Length: 435 pages

Ivy Ames is used to the high life, but after she is let go from get job and finds her husband with another woman on the same day, she suddenly has no money, no home or husband, and 2 daughters to raise. So she sets up a business to help rich families get their children into private schools. But is this viable? Will she climb her way back to the top?

I don't particularly like the subject matter of this book, but I actually quite like Ivy. She wasn't quite as despicable as I'd anticipated. There's obviously some elements of snobbery and oh-woe-is-me, but not too much.

I think the characters were believable and for the most part seemed quite down to earth, with the exception of a couple. Although highly strung rich parents were never going to be a favorite.

A nice light read.

Karen Quinn

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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