Sunday 25 June 2017

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter #5) by J. K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter #5
J. K. Rowling

Front cover

Date read: 23 May - 10 June 2017
Length: 766 pages

Fifth year at Hogwarts sees Dolores Umbridge as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, and even Headmistress at one point. Lord Voldemort returned last year and Harry and his gang effectively join the Order of the Phoenix to help in any way they can. Harry sets up a secret group at Hogwarts called Dumbledore's Army to teach his peers defence spells. But Voldemort is on the rise; is harry safe?

Umbridge. What a vile, despicable woman. This woman is on a power trip and enjoying every second. She has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. I hate, Hate, HATE her with a fiery passion. Luckily she's a DADA teacher and they only ever last a year.

We get to learn more about our beloved characters though. Small details which make a big difference to the story. You learn about Neville's parents, and Harry learns more about his father - not all of it good.

Sirius. This once actually took me by surprise. This is my first time reading the book, but I had seen the film many years ago. I don't remember this! I was unprepared and left a bit shocked. He was pretty much the only real family Harry had, and I can only imagine how he feels.

Great book in the series. Can't wait to read more.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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