Saturday 19 November 2016

The Dead Sea Deception (Leo Tillman and Heather Kennedy #1) by Adam Blake

The Dead Sea Deception
Leo Tillman and Heather Kennedy #1
Adam Blake

Date read: 5 - 18 November 2016
Length: 552 pages

Heather is investigating the mysterious death of a college professor which leads her to even more mysterious deaths. Together with ex-mercenary Leo, they follow a trail that leads them to the Dead Sea Scrolls. But they end up running for their lives, as a group of assassins are desperate to keep their secret hidden.

I quite liked the characters, but it takes a while to warm to them. I think there's still a lot more to learn about them though. It was like this book was a sneak peek, and not really the full picture.

It felt unfinished. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention for a bit, but I feel like I'm missing something. It wasn't a cliffhanger ending, more like there wasn't an ending. There's still a lot to be answered. I'm hoping more will be revealed in the next book. Fingers crossed!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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