Sunday 6 November 2016

Raising Steam (Discworld #40) by Terry Pratchett

Raising Steam
Discworld #40
Terry Pratchett

Front cover

Date read: 5 - 13 October 2016
Length: 375 pages

Dick Simnel is the brains behind the Discworld's first successful steam locomotive; Iron Girder. The railway business takes off very quickly with the help of Harry King and Moist von Lipwig. The Low King needs help getting to Uberwald to take back the Stone of Scone, and he's on a pretty tight schedule. Can the railway be built fast enough? 

It seems that everything Moist puts his mind to turns into a success. What a man! First the postal service, then the banks and mint, and now the railway service! What could be next? 

I'm slightly less suspicious of Adora Belle now. She was more down to earth and supportive I thought. Previously I thought she was hiding something, but nothing has come to light. Yet! 

Lord Vetinari. A fighter? Who knew!? But he has some serious hand to hand combat skills and was quite happy to assist in the mission to get the Low King to Uberwald. Not just a brilliant mind then! 

Raising Steam was great, but I'm sad it's the penultimate novel in the Discworld series. It won't be long until I start that one, and then that'll be the end! Definitely worth a read. 

Terry Pratchett

Overall rating 

The Wee Librocubicularist

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