Saturday 21 May 2016

Where the Bodies Are Buried (Sharp Investigations #1) by Christopher Brookmyre

Where the Bodies Are Buried
Sharp Investigations #1
Christopher Brookmyre

Front cover

Date read: 19 - 25 April 2016
Length: 293 pages

Jasmine Sharp works for her uncle in Sharp Investigations, a PI company. But when he goes missing, she's left with nothing to do but try to find him. When teaching his last steps, she comes across Tron Ingrams who begins to help in the investigation. But then people start shooting at them. What is going on?
Meanwhile Catherine McLeod is investigating the deaths of some well known drug dealers, who seem to be dropping like flies.

I thought Where the Bodies Are Buried was a little hard to get into. It took a while for me to be intrigued, but by the end I was loving it! There are a few little twists here and there which keep you on your toes.

But my goodness what a CLIFFHANGER! If the next book (When the Devil Drives) does not start with those 4 words, I'm going to be seriously miffed. I don't like cliffhangers at the best of times.

If you're prepared to wait a while until you get sucked in, I'd say it's worth the read.

Christopher Brookmyre

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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