Friday 19 February 2016

A Snowball in Hell (Angelique de Xavia #3) by Christopher Brookmyre

A Snowball in Hell
Angelique de Xavia #3
Christopher Brookmyre

Front cover

Date read: 1 - 10 January 2016
Length: 393 pages

The Black Spirit is back! This time he's capturing and torturing celebrities and hosting his own reality TV show. With Angelique's history concerning the Black Spirit, she's the best officer for the case. But she has a dilemma; agree to his terms and save the hostages, or hand him over to an unknown and save her parents? She tracks down Zal for some help. How will it end?

I'm glad Zal is in this. I was a bit worried he'd be forgotten. Zal and Angelique just fit so well together, if under ordinary circumstances their relationship would probably blossom! 

I'm very pleased with the ending. Not just with this book, but the trilogy as a whole. There are so many ways it could have ended in disaster, but I'm so glad it didn't! I loved the ending here though. I can't say too much without spoiling it, but it's very satisfactory.

Seriously, if you haven't already, get reading this trilogy! You'll get so invested in the characters, you'll think they're real!

Christopher Brookmyre

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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