Saturday 20 February 2016

A Hat Full of Sky (Discworld #32) by Terry Pratchett

A Hat Full of Sky
Discworld #32
Terry Pratchett

Front cover

Date read: 11 - 19 January 2016
Length: 337 pages

Tiffany has gone to live with Miss Level in order to learn the way of the witch. But something is sharing her mind, and it's not pleasant. Can she fight it before it takes over completely?

It was good to read about Granny Weatherwax again! It seems a while since she's been around. She's definitely my favourite witch. She may be old, but she's badass.

And of course the Nac Mac Feegle are brilliant. You know it's going to be good when they're around. Although their new Kelda, Jeannie, is a bit strange. It may just take me a while to like her, who knows?

Brilliant, and well worth a read!

Terry Pratchett

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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