Saturday 9 January 2016

The Sacred Art of Stealing (Angelique de Xavia #2) by Christopher Brookmyre

The Sacred Art of Stealing
Angelique de Xavia #2
Christopher Brookmyre

Front cover

After the events at the dam, Angelique is feeling a bit lost. That's until she gets put on the case of a bank robbery. There's something different about the lead criminal. Something sparks between them, and she agrees to meet him. She learns about some of his plans. A robber and a cop? This can't end well!

I loved Zal. He's definitely not your typical antihero. He's smart, cunning and charismatic. And not a psychopath or mentally deranged. In fact, antihero might not even be the right word. He's a criminal in that he breaks the law, yes, but he has his reasons, and they're pretty good.

I'm looking forward to the next one, but I'm hoping that Zal isn't forgotten. He's far too good a character to be left behind!

This trilogy has definitely been worth reading so far!

Christopher Brookmyre

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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