Friday 3 April 2015

Discworld 18: Maskerade by Terry Pratchett

Discworld 18: Maskerade
Terry Pratchett

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Front cover

Granny and Nanny are still looking for a third witch and want Agnes/Perdita, but she's gone to Ankh-Morpork to join the opera. The opera is being haunted by a ghost and people are being killed. Can the witches catch the ghost before more people die? And more importantly, will Agnes join Granny and Nanny?

The witches are one of my favourite character sets, so of course I'm going to enjoy this one more than some of the other ones. I try not to be prejudiced towards the novels, but I can't help having my favourite characters.  I liked Maskerade because it was kind of like a detective novel as well, as they're trying to figure out who or what is doing all these killings. And of course because it was written by Terry Pratchett, it's always comical.

Terry Pratchett was one of my absolute favourite authors, so I was absolutely devastated to hear of his death. I hope he's in a happier place now.

R.I.P Sir Terry Pratchett

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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