Sunday 31 August 2014

Hideaway by Dean Koontz

HideawayDean Koontz

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Cover Image
 Hideaway tells the tale of Hatch Harrison who dies, but is then brought back by a renowned physician. But ever since then, things start getting at bit strange for him and his wife. He fears he's brought something back with him from the other side. Cue a pursuit for the truth and the aim to put a stop to the madness.

Meanwhile, Vassago is pulled out of Hell and remains in limbo on Earth. He believes the only way to get back into Hell is to make a personal collection of people he's killed, in strange and creative ways. Can Hatch stop him before he kills anyone else?

I've loved reading Dean Koontz work for a while now. His stories are so intricately detailed and creative. I love reading them because I never know what's going to happen, and they are so strange and bizarre that they're a great read!

I would definitely recommend any Dean Koontz books to anyone!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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