Saturday 26 April 2014

Discworld 9: Eric by Terry Pratchett

Discworld 9: Eric
Terry Pratchett

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Cover Image
Eric sees the introduction of Eric Thursley; a demonology hacker. Only he's not very good at it, and summons Rincewind instead of a demon (and the Luggage of course)! Join them on a journey through time and space and see what kind of mischief they encounter!

Eric is one of Pratchett's shorter Discworld novels, more of a short story really. Nevertheless, it is still amusing and filled with many characters from Ankh-Morpork, as well as introducing new ones! It's amazing what Terry Pratchett can do with only 155 pages!

My favourite character is Death. He's so funny, without meaning to be. Nonchalantly funny, if you will. Besides Death, Rincewind is next. How he manages to escape near death situations is beyond me, but he always finds a way out and comes back for more.

Usually while I'm reading, I have a notebook beside me and I write down any thoughts I have about the book, or anything I may want to include in blog posts, but unfortunately for Eric I haven't written a thing! So apologies for the rather brief post (even considering how short the book is!), and hopefully next post will be better!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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