Wednesday 4 December 2019

In the Miso Soup by Ryu Murakami

In the Miso Soup
Ryu Murakami

Front cover

Date read: 25 - 29 October 2019
Length: 180 pages
Published: 1997 (2005 in Britain)

Kenji is hired by an overweight American called Frank, to take him on a tour of Tokyo's nightlife. A tour unlike any other. But Kenji begins to realise Frank's behaviour is rather odd, and suspects he may actually be a murderer. With his girlfriend Jun, can they get themselves out of the horrible situation alive?

I must confess I had no idea what this book was about before I started reading, and I was a bit surprised! Nevertheless I quite enjoyed the story.

I like Kenji and I didn't want anything bad to happen to him. I think he comes across as more innocent as he actually is, but he's not a bad man and just trying to make a living. He doesn't want to get Jun involved and tries to keep her out of it as much as possible.

Frank is a psychopath! He has many, many issues. Besides his behaviour, we know that's not actually his real name. Kenji handled him very well.

An interesting read that I was not prepared for!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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