Thursday 12 September 2019

The Locked Room Mystery Mystery (Nursery Crime #2.5) by Jasper Fforde

The Locked Room Mystery Mystery
Nursery Crime #2.5
Jasper Fforde

Date read: 29 July 2019
Length: 6 pages (according to Goodreads)
Published: 2007

Locked Room has been killed in the library of Usher Towers. The room was locked from the inside and there were no witnesses. Can Detective Inspector Jack Spratt and Detective Sergeant Mary Mary solve the case?

This was a very short story originally published online by The Guardian. I felt since I had read the two novels I might as well read this, even though it's not actually in printed format! I'll admit it did feel a little strange, but at least it was only for one night!

It's basically Cluedo (or Clue for those across the water). You have the murder, and need to figure out who did it and with what. It was a fun little story.

I liked the names of the other people attending the dinner party. Some examples are Red Herring, Least Likely Suspect, and Overlooked Clue. It adds to the fun!

I really wish there was more Nursery Crime books out. They are so unique and I really enjoyed the first two. I think there is supposed to be a third one, but I have no idea if/when it will be published.

I recommend you read the series if you're looking for something a bit different!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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