Tuesday 26 March 2019

Bloodsong (Blood #2) by Melvin Burgess

Blood #2
Melvin Burgess

Front cover

Date read: 16 - 24 February 2019
Length: 356 pages
Published: 2005

Sigurd Volson is the last in his line. With a sword made from the remains of his fathers powerful knife, he sets out to slay Fafnir, the powerful dragon. He falls in love with Bryony, trapped under the old city of Crayley. After he leaves to try to save her, everything goes wrong. And a little bit fuzzy...

'You thought you were watching my death,' hissed
the dragon. 'But you were watching your own.'

Well. I feel a bit of disassociation here. I liked the story, I liked the characters, but I just didn't feel drawn in, didn't have any strong feelings towards any character in particular. I guess I did like Bryony, but even then it wasn't straight away, she grows on you after a time.

There wasn't really any mention of Bloodtide, it felt like a totally different book, and not one that follows another. I think I could have read either book as a stand alone novel.

The clones are weird though! In fact, that whole part of the book felt a little odd. There's this old lady who doesn't speak, secretly making clones of her family and others, 'just in case'. Strange. She obviously knew more than she was letting on and her family were none the wiser.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Saturday 16 March 2019

The Little Old Lady Behaving Badly (League of Pensioners #3) by Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg

The Little Old Lady Behaving Badly
League of Pensioners #3
Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg

Front cover

Date read: 4 - 15 February 2019
Length: 489 pages
Published: 2016

In order to give enough to the people in need, Martha realises they must get their hands on more money, and lots of it. After opening a very successful restaurant on a barge, the start of their 'vintage village', the seek out billionaires and plan to part them from their luxury yacht... Can they cover their tracks this time?


There is really nothing these oldies can't do! Once they get an idea in their heads, usually constructed by Martha, they commit it to the very end! The only limit is their imagination. 

I like the idea of the vintage village. I think it would be a cool place to be, with lots of different things to choose from, and in a nice location too! The restaurant sounds very fun and modern, no wonder it was so successful! 

I was a bit surprised about Anna Greta and Blomberg! Especially after she found out he was a cop. But I suppose the heart wants what the heart wants, and at least he was decent.

Really enjoyed this series. Felt it was left a little open so there could be another one! I'll need to keep an eye out!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Mostly Harmless (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy #5) by Douglas Adams

Mostly Harmless
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy #5
Douglas Adams

Front cover

Date read: 29 January - 3 February 2019
Length: 230 pages
Published: 1992

Arthur finally settles on the planet Lamuella as a sandwich maker, using meat from Perfectly Normal Beasts. He is content, until his daughter turns up, a daughter he had no idea existed. Now he's running after her as she steals a spaceship to try to find his home planet.

Random is just that; random. She randomly turns up, and is then as unpredictable as they come. But then again, she is a teenager. I quite like her though. She just does what she wants to do, and doesn't care what anyone else thinks.

The Perfectly Normal Beast is intriguing. It's one thing to be come almost godlike among the people of Lamuella because you know how to make sandwiches, it's another to be making said sandwiches from the meat of animals you have no idea about. They just suddenly appear in this one spot, and no questions are answered, although I'm sure they are asked!

I prefer it when they are on spaceships working together, than all the characters being apart. I like the interactions they have and I think they need to be together. They all seem to be a bit sad when they're apart.

This was the last of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series written by Douglas Adams but I'm aware of a book called And Another Thing... written by Eoin Colfer. Although I'm not usually a fan of other authors carrying on another series, I will read the last addition. No point ending the story when there is more to be read!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist