Tuesday 26 February 2019

Bloodtide (Blood #1) by Melvin Burgess

Blood #1
Melvin Burgess

Front cover

Date read: 18 - 28 January 2019
Length: 423 pages
Published: 1999

Set in a ruined London, two families are at war with each other, the Volsons and the Connors. As a peace treaty, Val Volson offers his daughters hand in marriage. All is fine for a while until the treaty is broken and war ensues. Signy realises her husbands true nature and plots against him. Who will win the war?

'Love. Hate. So what? This is family.
This is business.'

I liked the twins. although just because they are twins doesn't mean they need to have almost identical names! It sometimes put me off if I was reading late at night.

The halfmen are very interesting and I wanted to know more about them and that side of the world! I hope I get to learn a bit more about it in the next book. We get a brief glimpse, but I feel like I want to learn more!

Styr is just weird. I didn't get into this as much as I wanted. I felt that the story was good, the characters were interesting and varied, and the writing was good. There's just something missing and I can't put my finger on it. It's like something you really want to like, but you just don't.

I will read the next book too though.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Tuesday 19 February 2019

War Storm (Red Queen #4) by Victoria Aveyard

War Storm
Red Queen #4
Victoria Aveyard

Front cover

Date read: 1 - 17 January 2019
Length: 657 pages
Published: 2018

War is coming and Norta need all the allies they can get. Silver and Red join forces to overthrow the throne. But will it just be one king replacing another? Can anyone actually kill Maven?


As much as I liked this series, I felt it was time to finish. The concept was good and I really like the idea of a people with different blood. I just feel that it went on a bit too long and by the end I was ready for it to be over.

One character I was surprised to find myself really liking is Evangeline. At first she is the enemy, someone who clashes majorly with Mare. You hate her and everything she stands for. But the more you get to know her, the more you realise she's just in the wrong place at the wrong time. She doesn't want to be there and most of the time she doesn't want to be doing the things 'expected' of her. In the end she really pulls through for Mare and you know she's an ally.

I'm glad Maven is gone. He's such a broken individual that you can't help but pity him. I actually found it hard to see him and the 'villain' because his mind is so messed up. I even sometimes thought he was quite tame, and considering his issues, I think he could have been written in really quite a menacing way.

Next up for this series will be Cruel Crown, a book of two novellas to accompany the series. And then that's it done!

Victory comes at a price.

Victoria Aveyard

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Rose Madder by Stephen King

Rose Madder
Stephen King

Front cover

Date read: 17 - 31 December 2018
Length: 595 pages

Rose Daniels has spent 14 years of her life in a very abusive marriage. Until one day, she spots a drop of blood on her pillow. In that moment, her entire life is changed. She leaves her husband and travels 800 miles on a bus. In a pawnshop she discovers a painting that calls out to her. She starts her life over, but will it be enough to put Norman behind her?

This novel was very easy to read and sometimes I just didn't want to put it down! It is a very absorbing story and you just want to keep on reading to find out what happens next!

I thought Rose Madder was very well thought out and believable. There are so many stories of women who are subjected to this kind of domestic abuse, although unfortunately not all that many with a happy ending. I liked the Daughters and Sisters and was glad they could help Rose.

The only thing I thought was a little weird was the painting. In such a real world story I felt it was a bit out of place. That's not to say it wasn't enjoyable, it was just unexpected. It's so dark in a different way from the rest of the novel.

It was definitely an interesting read!

Stephen King

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Wednesday 6 February 2019

So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy #4) by Douglas Adams

So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy #4
Douglas Adams

Front cover

Date read: 13 - 16 December 2018
Length: 167 pages

Arthur needs to find God's Final Message, but he can't remember the address... In a bid to jog his memory, he throws himself off a cliff, and ends up flying! He meets Fenchurch, the love of his life and also a little eccentric. Oh yeah, and the Earth wasn't destroyed..?

This was a little different to the previous three in the series, but still good. It had more of a linear storyline and less jumping from different times and places. I thought the idea of flying was pretty cool, but obviously I'm not going to try that in real life!

I like Arthur and Fenchurch. I think they are good together, in an unconventional way. I'm sure it would be nice for them to spend their days flying together, but unfortunately it wouldn't make much of a story.

In this book, Arthur does something particularly special. He completes his mission. He goes out to find God's Final Message, and not only does he find it, he meets the girl of his dreams as well. Make the most of it, because I don't think he is capable of pulling something like this off again!

Douglas Adams

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist