Tuesday 19 June 2018

A Storm of Swords 2: Blood and Gold (A Song of Ice and Fire #3 Part 2) by George R. R. Martin

A Storm of Swords 2: Blood and Gold
A Song of Ice and Fire #3 Part 2
George R. R. Martin

Front cover

Date read: 10 - 24 May 2018
Length: 554 pages (607 with appendix)

King Joffrey is killed at his own wedding, and Tyrion is named the prime suspect. With the king gone, the fate of Westeros lies in the hands of his younger brother Tommen. The Starks are scattered; some believed to be dead, some dead for sure, and some missing. Across the ocean, Daenerys is freeing slaves and gaining allies, on her way to claim the throne of the Seven Kingdoms. Who will survive?

Holy moly there are so many major deaths in this instalment of Death, Dragons and Deceit. I know George R. R. Martin is ruthless, but so many in one book? Man! It really pulls on the old heartstrings a bit. I don't really want to go into too much detail, because spoilers.

What's going to happen in the North? There's no king, and Robb didn't leave an heir. Next in line would be Bran, but he's believed to be dead along with Rickon. So many questions!

I hope Dany reaches Westeros soon! We need her to beat them all and take over the throne (wishful thinking, I know)! She now has an army and her dragons are growing up. She can do it!

Very much looking forward to the next instalment.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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