Tuesday 22 May 2018

Letters to a Love Rat by Niamh Greene

Letters to a Love Rat
Niamh Greene

Front cover

Date read: 26 April - 3 May 2018
Length: 325 pages

Eve, Molly, and Julie don't know each other, but they all have one man in common; Charlie. Molly and Charlie are just back from their honeymoon when he suddenly leaves her. Julie is blogging about her sexy boss who she's having an affair with. Eve has been tasked to write, but not send, letters to the man she couldn't move on from. How will things end for the Love Rat?

I really liked the different formats for each of the main characters. I know some readers struggle with this, or switching from different characters' perspective, but it's something I've always liked. You can get right into their head when it's not just told from one person, or a standard narrative. The different formats made it more fun to read. I especially liked the comments on Julie's blog!

Letters to a Love Rat is very easy to read. I would recommend it as a holiday book or if you just fancy a light read. It's great to take your mind off things for a while.

I know it's intentional, and of course he's meant to be the 'big bad' but I really don't like Charlie. He's arrogant and selfish, and of course commits adultery. Cheaters are despicable, and I just can't tolerate them. I think he got let off lightly!

Many, many years ago I read Secret Diary of a Demented Housewife which I really enjoyed. Personally I didn't think this was as good, but that could be because I am older now. Or maybe it's just not as good. Who knows.

A good light read for holidays.

Niamh Greene

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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