Tuesday 27 March 2018

A Clash of Kings (A Song of Ice and Fire #2) by George R. R. Martin

A Clash of Kings
A Song of Ice and Fire #2
George R. R. Martin

Front cover

Date read: 28 February - 22 March 2018
Length: 873 pages (913 including appendix)

After the death of King Robert Baratheon, it seems everyone believes they are the rightful heir to the throne. While Joffrey sits the throne, the remaining Baratheon's, Stannis and Renly, are fighting each other. Jon goes beyond the wall in search of his uncle and the missing rangers. Robb is still at war while Theon Greyjoy takes over Winterfell. Bran and Rickon manage to escape. Who will stake their claim on the throne?

This book basically is what it says on the cover; A Clash of Kings. Everyone and their mothers are fighting to try to take over the Iron Throne. After the rumour of Robert Baratheon's children's legitimacy, any high born males are using this as fuel for their fire, and fighting to claim what they believe is theirs by right. Cue big battles and male bravado.

Here is where Tyrion Lannister really shines. You get to see how clever and cunning he is while he plans a great battle against Stannis' men. I remember watching this big scene from the TV show, and it was epic. He plans it all himself, and implements it with the help of a few others, but mostly it's all done in secret. Although he doesn't believe in what the Lannisters are doing most of the time, they are still his family and he takes it upon himself to protect them.

My sympathies go out to Sansa Stark in this novel. To be trapped with horrible people, knowing you are to marry someone you despise must be awful. With little she can do to protect herself from their abuse, I don't know how she coped for so long. The news she receives at the end surely gives her a little light in her dark times. I feel slight relief for her.

We don't really get much from Daenerys here, seeing as she's not involved in the battles. It's something I wish there was more of, but I guess that will come in time!

I am really enjoying the books, and can't wait to read the next one!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Angel of Storms (Millennium's Rule #2) by Trudi Canavan

Angel of Storms
Millennium's Rule #2
Trudi Canavan

Front cover

Date read: 14 - 27 February 2018
Length: 568 pages

Tyen teaches students the ways of magic, but after a powerful sorcerer returns, long believed to be dead, magic schools are once again forbidden and teachers and students free to escape punishment. Meanwhile Rielle is approached by the Angel of Storms and asked to be an artist on his world. But a war breaks out and soon everything will change.

I'll admit, I wasn't as absorbed by The Angel of Storms as I was by Thief's Magic. I really like the idea of Vella and this instalment kind of veers away from that. The book is brought out from time to time, but not as much. Although Tyen does sort of make some progress in restoring Vella into a body, there is still much more to be done!

The Raen finds himself in the centre of a rebellion, after being away for some time, trapped in a world with little magic. I'm not usually much for war or conflict in novels, but I found myself intrigued by the preparations and strategy involved here. I think Tyen's involvement here helped make it more interesting, and I found myself wondering when/if he's be caught!

I hope the next in the series has more to do with Vella, and I'll find out soon!

Trudi Canavan

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist