Monday 26 February 2018

The Hippopotamus by Stephen Fry

The Hippopotamus
Stephen Fry

Front cover

Date read: 4 - 13 February 2018
Length: 400 pages

Ted Wallace is asked to visit Swafford Hall, country mansion of his old friend Michael Logan. His pretence is to write a sort of biography, but really his mission is to investigate the mysterious healings being carried out by his Godson Davey. What will he discover?

I'm not going to lie, there was one bit that really shocked, disgusted, and disturbed me. I'm not going to spoil anything here, but it's kind of like when you're watching something truly revolting, but you can't help but keep watching. The whole time I was reading this part, and even the lead up to it, I knew what was going to happen, yet I couldn't stop reading. There must have been a look of utter disgust on my face, but nevertheless I persevered. It's one of those things that leaves you feeling a little strange afterwards.

Apart from that, I quite enjoyed The Hippopotamus. I liked the mix of characters and the general story. There is a bit of mystery when Ted is trying to figure out what is really going on in Swafford Hall. Although it's not so convoluted that you can't figure it out before reaching that part in the novel.

As much as I liked this novel, I'm still waiting to be blown away by Stephen Fry. I will keep reading his works. It may happen one day.

Stephen Fry

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Tuesday 20 February 2018

A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire #1) by George R. R. Martin

A Game of Thrones
A Song of Ice and Fire #1
George R. R. Martin

Front cover

Date read: 15 January - 3 February 2018
Length: 780 pages (801 including appendix)

The Starks are leaving Winterfell. Eddard, Sansa, and Arya head to Kings Landing where Eddard will be Hand of the King to Robert Baratheon. But while he's there he uncovers a secret that dismisses the heir to the throne.Jon joins the Nights Watch, but nearly becomes a deserter to help his brother Robb, who is at war. Catelyn leaves Winterfell to warn Eddard of danger. The only remaining Starks in Winterfell are Bran; a cripple, and Rickon; a boy of three. Meanwhile Daenerys Targaryen weds Khal Drogo, leader of the Dothraki. Many think they are the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, so let the Game of Thrones commence!

I have watched all seven seasons of the TV show, now it's time for the books!

Death, death, and more death. After watching the TV show, I feel more prepared for what to expect from the books. The world of Westeros is very big, and there are lots of characters, so it's not surprising there are lots of deaths too. At least I was somewhat prepared!

I was a bit apprehensive about reading the books at first, because I wasn't sure of the writing style, and they are quite big books. But before finishing the first one, I knew I was in love! The writing is very easy to read and everything flows. I like books that tell parts of the story from different characters perspective, so that wasn't an issue for me.

I love Dany and Arya. Strong female characters, perhaps a bit (okay, a lot) different from the norm in their worlds. They stand up for themselves and what they believe in, and don't let people push them around. I think Dany really matured in this book, from the shy little girl under her brothers thumb, to the Khaleesi of the Dothraki. She grew very quickly and I can't wait to read more!

There are lots of the little sub plots, but everything is so interesting. I am really looking forward to reading this whole series! Yes, I'm aware it's taking George R. R. Martin an age to write the next one...

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist