Tuesday 19 December 2017

Perfect (Flawed #2) by Cecelia Ahern

Flawed #2
Cecelia Ahern

Front cover

Date read: 28 November - 8 December 2017
Length: 428 pages

Celestine North is on the run from Judge Crevan and his Guild of Whistleblowers. She has a secret he desperately wants to stay hidden, but she's determined to bring down the Guild and end "Flawed" life for everyone. Who will win this war?

It's like the more you read, the better it gets. I felt like this one was really such a page-turner, and found it hard to stop reading at times. There's definitely a lot more drama, and it just goes from one thing to the next; it's quite a fast pace.

I wish there was another one. I know the story did finish and most things are resolved, but I think it could have been a trilogy, with the third book being about life after the events here. I know I would be interested in that, and I imagine quite a few other readers would be too!

One thing that I didn't like was Celestine taking forever to figure out where the video was hidden! There were several major clues for her, and she just seemed to dismiss them all. It was basically at the last moment a light bulb went off for her, and she finally realised what had been under he nose all along.

I would definitely read a third book if it was published.

Cecelia Ahern

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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