Saturday 13 May 2017

Voice of the Gods (Age of the Five #3) by Trudi Canavan

Voice of the Gods 
Age of the Five #3
Trudi Canavan

Front cover

Date read: 3 - 18 April 2017
Length: 622 pages

No longer a Priestess of the White, Auraya remains with the Siyee. After their capture, she sets off to free them after learning a few tricks from Emerahl. Emerahl is looking for a scroll to learn the secrets of the Gods, and the Wilds band together to end this impending war. Can the Gods be stopped?

I like the variety of characters in this trilogy, but Emerahl is probably my favourite. She's mysterious, funny, kind hearted (to people she likes), and very loyal. I wouldn't mind having her on my side, and definitely not an enemy I'd want to have!

Although this is the end of the trilogy, I kind of feel like there could have been more. The books in themselves are really detailed but I felt like it wasn't quite finished, like there was more to be told. I wouldn't be surprised if there was another one.

I liked this trilogy, and although I gave each of them 3 stars, I liked the second one (Last of the Wilds) the best. It concentrated more on characters rather than war. I like stories about people. Everyday people and their lives, rather than war and politics. You got to see the plot from the "other" side which was interesting.

Quite a good trilogy. My flatmate is now reading them!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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