Sunday 22 January 2017

The Demon Code (Leo Tillman and Heather Kennedy #2) by Adam Blake

The Demon Code
Leo Tillman and Heather Kennedy #2
Adam Blake

Front cover

Date read: 13 - 26 December 2016
Length: 569 pages

An ancient book has been stolen from the British Museum and Heather Kennedy is called to the case. But it turns into a lot more than just theft. With Leo Tillman and a 19 year old called Diema, they must stop the Judas people before they unleash the apocalypse. Can they be stopped?

As much as Tillman and Kennedy are an unlikely pair, they work well together. For some reason they completely trust each other and it just works. Diema is quite cool, and although I was a bit unsure of her, she seems to have paid off.

The personal relationships seemed to suffer a bit in this book, particularly between Heather and Izzy. Got a bit worried about that but I'm glad they managed to sort things.

I found The Demon Code interesting and you were always kept on your toes. I'm hoping the series isn't finished and that there will be another book!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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