Monday 13 June 2016

When the Devil Drives (Sharp Investigations #2) by Christopher Brookmyre

When the Devil Drives
Sharp Investigations #2
Christopher Brookmyre

Front cover

Date read: 12 - 20 May 2016
Length: 361 pages

Jasmine has been asked to investigate the disappearance of an actress named Tessa Garion, who went missing 30 years ago. She uncovers a whole lot more than her whereabouts though!
Meanwhile Catherine is investigating the shooting of Hamish Queen; shot dead after putting on his annual play.
It's all connected, so what's really the story behind Tessa Garion?

This was so much easier to get into after reading Where the Bodies Are Buried. It helps that you already know most of the characters and can just get straight into the story. I like Jasmine. She's an amateur, but just sort of wings it and gets good results!

I'm so glad there was no cliffhanger this time! I could go to sleep knowing the case was at rest. I'm still looking forward to Bred in the Bone though!

Definitely a series to sink your teeth into!

Christopher Brookmyre

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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