Monday 11 April 2016

Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens

Little Dorrit
Charles Dickens

Front cover

Date read: 4 - 30 March 2016
Length: 1071 pages

Amy Dorrit was born in the Marshalsea; a debtors jail where her father is a resident. Amy is quite content with her life there, until one day the family inherit a lot of money, pay off their debts and she's whisked away to Europe. But this isn't the life she's accustomed to, and she seeks the simple life back home.

Oh, what an accomplishment it is to finish Little Dorrit! I think I can confidently say it is the longest novel I have ever read. It can get a little dull in places, but mostly it's fine. The story is engaging enough that I could finish it!

Although I've got to say I was a little disappointed. I suppose I had a little expectation of what I thought it was going to be like (silly I know, but I had seen the BBC adaptation years ago) but it was nothing like what I remember. In saying that though, I still enjoyed it.

I liked Amy. She was the only character I felt was relatable. Mr Dorrit was greedy, her sister shallow. Amy was down to earth and pleasant. She knew what the important things were, and didn't want for much more. A delightful lady, I'm sure.

So, despite being a brick of a book, I'm glad I've read it. 

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

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