Saturday 19 March 2016

Going Postal (Discworld #33) by Terry Pratchett

Going Postal
Discworld #33
Terry Pratchett

Front cover

Date read: 10 - 21 February 2016
Length: 474 pages

Moist von Lipwig was a criminal. He is given a new lease on life and set the task of sorting the Post Office. Together with his Golem employees, he begins to pick up the pieces. He tries to deliver the old mail, invents stamps, even takes on the clacks towers! Can the post office be restored to its former glory?

I quite liked Moist, but even though this story was mainly about him, I still feel like I hardly know the character. Hopefully he'll be in more novels, and I can get to know the character better.

Loved the invention of the stamps, and everything that went with it. It seems like it was such an accident, but turned out quite well!

I'll need to get watching the TV adaptation now! I've seen The Colour of Magic and The Hogfather but not Going Postal

Terry Pratchett

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Sunday 6 March 2016

The Blue Hawk by Peter Dickinson

The Blue Hawk
Peter Dickinson

Date read: 4 - 9 February 2016
Length: 236 pages

Tron is chosen to be Goat, but he finds himself drawn to the blue sacrificial hawk. So he takes it and leaves the temple, embarking on a journey of a lifetime. He meets the king, is involved in a war, all the while the Gods of Aa and O are by his side. He hears the word of Gdu, and learns to tame the hawk.

I'm going to be honest, I didn't enjoy this book. I thought it wasn't very captivating, and a bit boring really. Because I couldn't get invested, I feel as if I was just kind of reading it, without taking anything in, and as a result I don't feel I really know what the story was about. Not fully, anyway.

There were no characters I felt I could relate to. Although Tron had his mission, and it all sounds very exciting. But in reality, I found it very tedious.

Not one I'd recommend, unfortunately.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist