Sunday 31 August 2014

Hideaway by Dean Koontz

HideawayDean Koontz

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Cover Image
 Hideaway tells the tale of Hatch Harrison who dies, but is then brought back by a renowned physician. But ever since then, things start getting at bit strange for him and his wife. He fears he's brought something back with him from the other side. Cue a pursuit for the truth and the aim to put a stop to the madness.

Meanwhile, Vassago is pulled out of Hell and remains in limbo on Earth. He believes the only way to get back into Hell is to make a personal collection of people he's killed, in strange and creative ways. Can Hatch stop him before he kills anyone else?

I've loved reading Dean Koontz work for a while now. His stories are so intricately detailed and creative. I love reading them because I never know what's going to happen, and they are so strange and bizarre that they're a great read!

I would definitely recommend any Dean Koontz books to anyone!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Sunday 17 August 2014

Discworld 11: Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett

Discworld 11: Reaper Man
Terry Pratchett

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Cover Image
Death is missing. The dead aren't going anywhere, and the place is overrun with ghosts and poltergeists, including a newly dead wizard, Mr Windle Poons. But that's okay, there's a club for that. They take it upon themselves to try to bring death back!

Meanwhile, a stranger named Bill Door, is turning out to be pretty good with a scythe...

Pratchett is amusing. I'll never stop saying it because it's always true. In Reaper Man I find it amusing how he takes ordinary things from our world, and incorporates them into the Discworld, but makes them different. In Reaper Man I'm pretty sure there's a fight with a shopping centre... Mainly with shopping trolleys and escalators. It's all good fun!

For anybody wanting to read Discworld, or those struggling to get in to the stories, I would say stick with it! There's such a wide variety of characters that you're never bored. Or maybe you only want to follow a select few? That's fine too! One of the great things about the Discworld novels is that they don't need to be read in order for you to be able to follow and enjoy. The first one I read was Soul Music and that's number 16!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist