Sunday 23 April 2017

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter #3) by J. K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter #3
J. K. Rowling

Front cover

Date read: 12 - 19 March 2017
Length: 317 pages

Harry returns to Hogwarts for his third year with new subjects and a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. The school is being guarded by Dementors from Azkaban prison, as an inmate has escaped. But Sirius Black is not all he seems. Will the truth be revealed?

It's nice for Harry to learn a bit more about his family, even if it's not all good. It's a shame he was brought up the way he was, and to learn he does have other family out there must be a bit of a relief.

Fred and George give Harry something called a Marauder's Map. This map allows anyone in the vicinity of Hogwarts to be seen. Harry uses it to sneak to Hogsmeade, but it also comes in handy to save the day.

It is because of the Marauder's Map that we learn Ron's faithful pet rat Scabbers is not just a rat... a whole series of events unfold, teaching us more about what really happened in the lead up to Harry's parents death.

I am very much looking forward to The Goblet of Fire. This series is very captivating so far, and I believe it only gets better!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Saturday 15 April 2017

Last of the Wilds (Age of the Five #2) by Trudi Canavan

Last of the Wilds
Age of the Five #2
Trudi Canavan

Front cover

Date read: 25 February - 11 March 2017
Length: 610 pages

The war is over and the Circlians won. A disease called Hearteater is spreading among the Siyee and Auraya offers her assistance. There she meets Leiard, but he's not the same man she once knew. Meanwhile a Pentadrian saves the life of the princess of Elai, and returns her to her home. Are the Pentadrians as bad as the Circlians suggest?

I found this one much easier to read! You kind of get used to the new words and people's names and places. In this one I particularly liked the Leiard/Mirar story, and capture and rescue of Imi.

I like Imi, and I think given the chance she will make a good leader one day. She is interested in other people. She wants to explore new places and learn about different cultures. She is wise beyond her years and has courage and determination.

I also still like Emerahl, or whatever name she chooses at a particular point. I hope there will be more of her, I feel there is still more to find out! I'm a little sad there was no Tryss, but I can't have everything!

I won't spoil anything here, but I was very surprised by the ending! Definitely worth reading until the end!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Saturday 1 April 2017

Life Expectancy by Dean Koontz

Life Expectancy
Dean Koontz

Front cover

Date read: 12 - 24 February 2017
Length: 531 pages

On the day of Jimmy Tock's birth, his grandfather predicts the exact time of his birth, and his exact weight. He also gives 5 dates; days on which terrible things will happen. No one knows what these things will be and no one can prepare for the truth that will unfold. Jimmy could have had a very different life. The main question is; will he survive the final date?

I really enjoyed this story and it was so easy to read. I found it hard to put down, definitely one that grabs you and pulls you in.

I loved Lorrie. She's such a genuine character and she knows what she wants. She's so different from Jimmy, who often describes himself as a lummox. An unlikely pair, but they work well together.

This story keeps you on your toes, with a few twists! Some were very unexpected, and it makes the book very hard to put down!

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist