Sunday 28 August 2016

Unseen Academicals (Discworld #37) by Terry Pratchett

Unseen Academicals
Discworld #37
Terry Pratchett

Front cover

Date read: 30 June - 13 July 2016
Length: 541 pages

Football has returned to Ankh-Morpork! After 20 years, the University need to get a team together to compete. Luckily Mr Nutt is on hand to help, who seems to be good at everything. Even if he is an Orc. (Orcs used to rip people's heads off!) Can the Unseen Academicals win?

I like Mr Nutt! He's a bit confusing at first, but once you get to know him he really is quite lovable. We should all have a Mr Nutt in our lives.

Pratchett really has a way with accurate portrayals in his characters. He is consistent and provides a great deal of depth and room for growth! His humour is very subtle; blink and you'll miss it!

I'm never not going to recommend a Discworld novel. Just read them!

Terry Pratchett

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Saturday 27 August 2016

Bred in the Bone (Sharp Investigations #3) by Christopher Brookmyre

Bred in the Bone
Sharp Investigations #3
Christopher Brookmyre

Front cover

Date read: 20 - 29 June 2016
Length: 407 pages

When Stevie Fullerton is murdered in his car, everything points to Glen Fallon being the murderer.  But Jasmine knows he is innocent. 
Meanwhile Catherine is assigned to the case, and although all seems straightforward, she discovers a symbol on the body and realises there's more to it. 
Can they get to the bottom of this? 

I'm writing this as Bred in the Bone rather than Flesh Wounds (as it is published in the UK) because at the time of buying the book, I wasn't aware of the title difference. I trusted Goodreads. It let me down. 

So it turns out the cliffhanger at the end of Where the Bodies are Buried is right! It's a bit annoying having to wait until the end of book 3 to find out, but it's good to know the truth! 

I thought there was a nice ending to this trilogy. You finally learn the truth about the relationship between Jasmine and Glen, which to be honest is the main issue I had. 

A great trilogy, which I would read again. 

Christopher Brookmyre

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist