Tuesday 26 July 2016

From the Corner of His Eye by Dean Koontz

From the Corner of His Eye
Dean Koontz

Front cover

Date read: 30 May - 19 June 2016
Length: 819 pages

At the age of 3, Bartholomew loses his sight due to a tumour. But he doesn't let this stop him from living his life to the fullest. He is very clever and excels at pretty much everything he tries. 
Junior kills his wife by pushing her off a tower. He is determined someone called Bartholomew is going to destroy his plans, and sets out to find him.
Vanadium is a detective, who is convinced Junior is a killer, and wants to see him behind bars.
Celestina brings up her sister's baby Angel. Seraphim was raped and then died during childbirth.
But how are these people linked? What will happen if Junior finds Bartholomew?

There's so much going on in this novel I don't even know where to start! I really like stories that begin unrelated, then as you delve further in they overlap and merge. I like seeing how all the pieces fit together. I think each of the character's stories would have made pretty decent novels alone, but together they're so much more.

And the characters. Barty is unique. The things he can do, never mind the fact he is blind, are astonishing. He has such a joyous outlook on life despite everything he's been through.
Junior is a psychopath. Hell bent on finding anyone called Bartholomew because of an obsession is not healthy.  And don't forget all the murders.
Vanadium is your unlikely hero. He is determined to find justice when everyone else has given up.
And Celestina just does the right thing, even though it could jeopardise her career.

I really enjoyed this book. With the excepting of Junior, the characters are amazing, and restore your faith in humanity a little.

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist

Sunday 24 July 2016

Making Money (Discworld #36) by Terry Pratchett

Making Money
Discworld #36
Terry Pratchett

Front cover

Date read: 21 - 29 May 2016
Length: 349 pages

After his success with the post office Vetinari sets Moist von Lipwig the task of taking over the bank. In his own discreet way, of course. But when it is discovered the gold in the vault is missing, Moist is arrested and may be hanged. Again. 
How will he get out of this one? 

I quite like Moist. He's an unlikely hero, especially given that he's not a hero. He just gets dumped in the middle of a mess, and is expected to fix it. His methods may be a bit unconventional to some, but fix it he does.

It's interesting to see what the thought processes behind things that are common here on Earth are; like the bank note, bank accounts and loans. The idea of how these things came to be is something that is unusual to read about.

Adora Belle.  I'm not very sure about her. Something puts me off her, and I'm a bit suspicious. I think she has something up her sleeve! We'll see if it comes to anything! 

Of course I'm going to recommend any book in the Discworld series. Just read them! :)

Terry Pratchett 

Overall rating

The Wee Librocubicularist