Dan Starkey #4
Colin Bateman
Date read: 26 November - 1 December 2020
Length: 245 pages
Published: 2001
Dan has been asked to write about movie star Sean O'Toole, so he goes to the set of the controversial film he's making; The Brigadier. Only things get complicated, in true Dan fashion. Dan's wife and step-son get kidnapped by Michael O'Ryan, and now it's up to Dan to stop Sean, or lose his wife and child for good. Can he do it?
Yet again Dan can't keep it in his pants. This is becoming a recurring theme in the series, and honestly it doesn't even surprise me anymore. What is annoying though, is he always ends up grovelling to Patricia, saying he loves her and wants to make it work, etc. It's repetitive and I'm over it.
Alice is a piece of work! I actually feel a bit sorry for Sean because of what she's been doing to him, and behind his back. She doesn't really love him and it's a whole plot to get at him for doing the film. She really doesn't care one iota about what she's doing.
I didn't like the ending. Poor little Stevie! It actually made me so sad reading it and I just didn't want it to be true. It is one of the most devastating things a parent can go through, and even though Dan wasn't his real father, he still cared for him a great deal.
I'm just wondering what's going to happen next. Dan's life has been turned upside down and I wonder how he's going to handle it.
Overall rating
The Wee Librocubicularist